The Global Squash Collaborative presents an extremely unique opportunity beyond the best-in-class comprehensive software solution called Club Locker.
Shared Goals
The Collaborative’s main goal is to leverage the strengths of the global squash community, and the unique positioning of national federations, to reach as many people as possible and facilitate a lifetime of positive engagement in squash.
The concept of a global squash collaborative was formed from the idea that federations have built-in networks of participants, so with excellent products and experiences that reinforces their value proposition and brand promise using the integrated system, Collaborative Members are able to monetize their programs to support the growth of the sport.
Mission-Based Focus
At the heart of this vision, is that in combining our mission-based focus, and in creating a service marketplace, while connecting the squash network via the web, the sport the potential to significantly impact its development locally, nationally and globally.
The collaborative effort means that the customer and the service provider are in effect the same, and therefore the interests are fully aligned.
Being a member of the Collaborative not only delivers significant commercial and strategic benefit to meet the organizational technology needs for squash governing bodies, but it also allows each federation to have a direct interest in the strategic development of the technology platform.
This is simply not available with any typical commercial licensing agreement.
Direct Input
The Collaborative offers federations the flexibility to develop and adapt the Club Locker platform specific to its own needs, and to benefit from ideas, functionality and investment sharing from other member federations. In addition, federations have a shared influence and involvement in the growth, alignment and development of squash globally and actively contribute to connecting players, coaches and officials across nations, therefore enriching the experience, access and opportunities for all involved.
1 + 1 = 3
In the Collaborative, each federation has a share in the opportunities (including commercial, insight and knowledge) that will be derived from a globally connected sport. Other benefits include access to a specialist support network via aggregation of knowledge and experience from other member federations, including teams at US Squash and England Squash – across political, operational and technical aspects. And finally, there is an overall lower cost of ownership/development due to cost sharing across collaborative members,